Posted by: The Saffa Mom | January 3, 2011

“But Mama, you are beautiful.”

Picture from

I sit down to do my makeup, and my princess walks in and asks if she can sit with me. We squeeze onto the toilet seat.

I know it sounds terrible but when we moved house, I just never found a perfect space to do my makeup. I don’t have a dressing table, and now that knight and I live together, there is not enough space for all MY clothes in the little space (half of the dressing room) that was allocated to me. (Do boys really need as much space as the girls?) When I was in my own place, I literally used all 6 metres of cupboard space in the main bedroom, as well as some of my Princess’s, AND some of the bottom bedroom/ study! You can understand that the move was somewhat traumatic in that department!

Back to story- my make up now lives in the second bathroom, the one that I use, and every morning I pull it all out of the bathroom cupboard, place it on the cistern of the toilet, and face the mirrori have placed behind it. There is a routine that we all follow when we put these masks on, and we have it down to a fine tee.

My princess often walks comes in and adds her little words to my bathroom scene. She comes in to ask me how she looks, always gorgeous, and she comes in to just let me know that she is around. Many times I send her back to her room to change her shoes, or find her brush.  

This particular morning she asks to sit with me. So we squeeze onto the toilet seat, and I already am uncomfortable. She then asks if she “is able to help me”. I know that this means that my process (that is what it is) may take a little longer if I say yes, I know that it means the risk of breaking one of my special bottles is high if I say yes, and I know too, that we may end up with mascara everywhere if I say yes………… but I say “yes”.

I say yes, because right now she wants nothing more than to be able to help me.

She holds the bottles while I squeeze my foundation out. (In her mind, this is the most important task in the world, and she is doing so well at it. “Mom hasn’t moaned yet.”)

She then asks, “can you put some on ME mama?”

“My babe, you don’t need makeup!”

“But, can I have some. Please.”

“Only old and ugly people need to put on make-up, so that they can make themselves look pretty.”

“But mama, you are beautiful!”

My heart just melted.

Those words coming from my little girl, were the warmest words I have ever heard. The words of all the men in the world, would never mean as much as those words did coming from her mouth.

“Thank you my little princess. I love you more than life.

Always yours,




  1. That is so awesome….. out of the mouth of children the truth is spoken

    • Ah thanks Cands! I think she just loves me unconditionally. I coudl probably walk out with a rash, and chicken pox and she may still say something like that.
      Hope you well.

  2. Awww. That’s priceless!

    • I thought so too! Thanks for popping in!

  3. I say the same to my girlfriend but she always stay hours with her makeup !

    Regards from Spain

    • Thanks for popping in!!!

      Just know that she wants to feel beautiful for you! So if spending time doing her makeup makes her feel good, then you should be cool with that. I must admit, i dont often leave home without something on my face. Haha.

      Regards back- from South Africa.

  4. Yes, yes you did make me tear up just a little bit. I miss my babies being, well you know… babies, but there’s so many wonderful things about them now being pre-teens. Just always say “YES” (well within reason) because, and I know its cliche, the time really does go fast! Thanks for sharing!

    • From everything i have heard, it is say “yes” now so you don’t feel so bad everytime you say “no” when they ARE teens. Haha. Thanks for coming past Steve. x

  5. My gut reaction is to say No to Chatterbox during these type of events, but I never do. The most amazing conversations come from times like these.

    • And it will grow our patience! Right?

  6. LOVELY story… out of the mouths of babes…

    • Thanks girl! I think i am writing these all down now so that when she becomes an evil teen, i can read them to her as bed time stories. 🙂

  7. That is so precious!


    • Documenting precious moments while i can! 🙂 What if they dont last forever?

  8. Very sweet, enjoy every moment. At 12 she will turn into an alien who thinks you are very uncool ;p

    • That is what i am scared of!!! Documenting everything now, so i can read it to her, or place it in her text books one day!
      ONly 8 more years to go!

  9. Aww! *sniff*

    Little ones know just what to say don’t they? Enjoy these moments! My two are still in the realm of little, I get a ” I love you mama” every day 🙂 Soon he will be off to school (cringe) and learning all sorts of things in kindergarten.

    • They learn TOO much in Kindergarden. I remember my Princess breaking something and saying- in perfect context- F%$#! Well, i nearly died!!! I phoned her father quicker then you could ever imagine, and give him a mouthful. Turned out that it was one of the little boys in her school. It was challenging trying to get his parents to realise that that was really NOT OKAY!!!
      Record all those “i love you” moments in the mean time!!

  10. I love this! My daughter is three and I love it when I’m getting made up and she comes in to help. Someone (my younger brothers girlfriend) bought her makeup for xmas!! She got it out and when I found her five minutes later she had applied her own eye-shadow and looked like she had been in a fight. it was hilarious!

    • Oh i have seen that before! And when the lipstick comes out, things get even more colourful.
      Wait until she spills a bottle of nail varnish all over the bedroom carpets. Red.
      Thanks for visiting!

  11. When my 9 yr old daughter was younger she “painted” her face with a marker. At least it was washable (in a couple days)! Lately she found my wife’s mascara and did some painting. Only a little on her though!

    • I think i would have flipped, and then laughed. Picture moments!

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